Healthy Starbucks Drinks: 12 Drinks You Need for Smart Choices

We get it! Starbucks doesn’t have to be a heavy pick! And if you’re into healthy Starbucks drinks, we have options that keep things light.

Chill bevies with fewer calories? Want to go plant milk?

This list gives you a bunch of yummy drinks that won’t throw your health out the window. We’re here to take you from just the basics to the good life with some easy customizations.

When we’re looking into healthy Starbucks drinks, we’re looking for drinks you can order 150 calories or less.

But it’s not just about the calories—sugar and ingredients come into play, too. You want calories from like, you know, milk or cream instead of a bunch of added sugar(1).

Just remember, you decide what’s healthy for you. Always do your own research, especially if you’ve got specific dietary needs.

Homemade Raspberry Syrup
Homemade raspberry syrup

12 Healthiest Starbucks Drinks You Can Order

Now that we got that out of the way, let’s head on to the main event.

We’ve thrown together a mix of old faves and sneaky little showstoppers that’ll keep your Starbucks order healthier. And there’s always room for some easy customizations to nosh those good flavors sans the guilt.

1. Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew 

Starbucks Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew
Photo by Alamo Quarry Market

This Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew is a nice, cool choice—it’s icy steeped coffee with just a touch of vanilla good-good mixed in.

It’s all light and only 110 calories in a grande; you can also make it even better by picking up that sugar-free vanilla syrup.

That’ll keep a lid on the sugar and give your caffeine cravings a lil’ treat.

Wanna Make This? Starbucks Vanilla Sweet Cream Recipe

How To Order:

“Hey, I’d like a grande Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew with SF vanilla syrup.”


  • Tall: 90 calories
  • Grande: 100 calories
  • Venti: 200 calories

2. Iced Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte

Starbucks Cinnamon Dolce Latte
Photo by ack_meatandfish

Go for an Iced Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte when the sweet tooth knocks but you’re also counting cals and sugar.

It’s nonfat milk with some sugar-free cinnamon dolce syrup for around 80 calories in a grande—lovely!

And if you’re going for gold, just skip the whipped cream, and you’ve got your spicy-sweet cinnamon flavors all light and healthy.

How To Order:

“Can I grab an Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte with nonfat milk, SF syrup, & hold the whip please?”


  • Tall: 60 calories
  • Grande: 80 calories
  • Venti: 100 calories

3. Strawberry Açai Refreshers

Strawberry Açai Refreshers
Photo by Starbucks Bahamas

Flip things up with a Strawberry Açai Refresher—straight-up the reigning Instagram favorite!

This sweet baby mixes strawberry and açai up with a hint of tart flavor and pops in green coffee for that nice, cool caffeine jolt.

Go grande for just 100 calories, but watch the sugar cause it’s a little high there. Drop down to a tall to keep things light with that same chill, fruity vibe minus the sugar rush.

How To Order:

“Just a tall Strawberry Acai Refresher please!”


  • Tall: 80 calories
  • Grande: 100 calories
  • Venti: 140 calories

4. Iced Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso

Starbucks Iced Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso
Photo by Palm Crest Apartments

For my lactose-free pals, the real star is the Iced Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso.

You’ll get the espresso zap with sweet brown sugar syrup and smooth oat milk to tie it all together.

It’s tasty but also better if you’re tiptoeing around dairy. Half that brown sugar syrup or swap it for sugar-free vanilla syrup to keep the calories under control. It’s all about keeping things light, right?!

How To Order:

“I’d love a grande Iced Brown Sugar Oat Shaken Espresso, sub half of the brown sugar syrup for SF vanilla!”


  • Tall: 90 calories
  • Grande: 120 calories
  • Venti: 180 calories

5. Cafe Misto

Starbucks Cafe Misto
Photo by Starbucks HK

Looking for simple satisfaction? Caffè Misto is *chef’s kiss.* Mix espresso and steamed milk for that creamy latte vibe without the bad. And a grande is just 110 calories—it’s a win!

Go for nonfat or almond milk if you’re looking to keep fat content on the down-low.

What can I say? Caffè Misto has those classic coffee shop vibes in a healthy package, perfect when you want a morning jolt.

How To Order:

“I’d love a tall hot Cafe Misto, please!”


  • Short: 50 calories
  • Tall: 80 calories
  • Grande: 110 calories

6. Iced Passion Tango Tea

Iced Passion Tango
Photo by ylue

Next up: Iced Passion Tango Tea is the tea call of the century if you want something chill and free of caffeine.

With hibiscus with lemongrass and apple, you’re also stacking up on antioxidants to squash any inflammation. And it packs a weak calorie punch —but if you wanna stay light, order half the usual cane sugar syrup.

It’s a yummy, guilt-free quencher on a hot one!

How To Order:

“Hey, I’d love a grande Iced Passion Tango Tea, half sweet, please.”


  • Tall: 30 calories
  • Grande: 45 calories
  • Venti: 60 calories

7. Flat White

Starbucks Flat White
Photo by Starbucks

Flat White is coffee creaminess that’s surprisingly lighter on calories.

Hot tip: it can be even lower with almond milk instead of the usual whole jazz. You get fewer cals and a little nutty hint with this move.

The espresso shots in a Flat White come through strong but super smooth, so it’s a fabulous way to get your fix void of sugar and nonsense additions.

How To Order:

“Can I get a tall Hot Flat White with almond milk, please?”


  • Short: 110 calories
  • Tall: 170 calories
  • Grande: 220 calories

8. Non-Dairy Salted Caramel Cold Brew

Salted Caramel Cold Brew
Photo by Starbucks

For the dairy ditchers, Non-Dairy Salted Caramel Cold Brew is your cheat. Picture: ice cold brew with rich salted caramel cold foam up top.

Sweet and salty vibes in total harmony, but if you wanna cut more cals, swap the caramel for sugar-free vanilla syrup.

Less cals, less sugar, same goodness!

How To Order:

“I’d like a grande Non-Dairy Salted Caramel Cold Brew with sugar-free vanilla syrup, thank you!”


  • Tall: 130 calories
  • Grande: 150 calories
  • Venti: 180 calories

9. Iced Skinny Vanilla Latte

Starbucks Iced Vanilla Latte
Photo by Starbucks Curacao

Okay, this is a fab pick for anyone who craves that touch of sweet without the fat content hassle—the Iced Skinny Vanilla Latte’s where it’s at.

Made with nonfat milk and sugar-free vanilla syrup, it’s sitting pretty at roughly 60 calories for a tall cup.

It’s an awesome way to get back in gear with a quick lift-me-up, and you can throw in almond milk if you’re looking to drop it a bit more!

AT-HOME RECIPE: Starbucks Skinny Vanilla Latte

How To Order:

“Can I get an Iced Skinny Vanilla Latte with sugar-free vanilla syrup? Thanks!”


  • Tall: 60 calories
  • Grande: 80 calories
  • Venti: 120 calories

10. Skinny Iced Matcha Latte

Starbucks Iced Matcha Latte
Photo by Starbucks Thailand

This Skinny Iced Matcha Latte will give you that zing and cool you down with all the antioxidants from the matcha green tea.

Natural on the higher calorie side, but when you roll with nonfat or almond milk and kick the sweeteners to the curb, you’re lookin’ at a sub-100 calorie sip with a punch.

Not a bad trade-off.

How To Order:

“Hello, I’d like a tall Iced Matcha Latte with almond milk, thank you!”


  • Tall: 120 calories
  • Grande: 160 calories
  • Venti: 240 calories

11. Espresso Frappuccino

Espresso Frappuccino
Photo by barbsamayo

Yes, we are throwing in a frappuccino to the mix of healthy drinks! And you didn’t think a frapp can be somewhat healthy!

Espresso Frappuccino is calling all the coffee-heads. At just 140 calories for a tall cup made with nonfat milk, this is it if you’re looking for rich espresso swimming in creamy sweetness, minus the extra sugar.

Whipped cream skips are guilt-free vibes!

How To Order:

“Hi, can I grab a tall Espresso Frappuccino with sub whole milk with nonfat, please?”


  • Tall: 140 calories
  • Grande: 210 calories
  • Venti: 290 calories

12.  Melon Burst Iced Energy

Melon Burst Iced Energy
Photo by UofSCDining

The only thing missing from Starbucks during the summer: Melon Burst Iced Energy!

This energy drink is a combo of sparkling Passion Tango Tea with a touch of melon and cool cucumber. It’s airy and refreshing, though the melon flavor isn’t in your face.

Watch out, though — the caffeine is pretty high at 180 mg. If you’re stickin’ to the calorie-watch game this is def a good pick, but if caffeine’s a little intense, so take it slow!

How To Order:

“Hi there, just a Melon Burst Iced Energy drink, please!”


  • 10 calories

RECOMMENDED: Pink Drink With Vanilla Cold Foam Recipe

Summing It Up

And that wraps up our list of healthy drinks!

We could have gone on forever with options like the Americano or herbal teas, but we decided to keep it interesting and share some not-so-typical highlights and how to make them better for you.

It’s all about those healthy Starbucks drinks with some balanced customizations so you can keep enjoying them! So drink up and stay wise as you get your caffeine fix!

Verified Sources

Wondering where your info comes from? We totally understand. Hey Joe only obtains our information from reputable sources. Contents from this article are sourced from the following publications:

  1. FDA:
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